Democratic Candidate Response Ratings, NY 16th Congressional District- League of Women Voter’s Forum July 27 2022

I rated candidate responses to questions asked at a League of Women Voters Candidate Forum held July 27, 2022. I transcribed the answers by listening and using the closed caption feature on the video. Then, I rated the quality of candidate responses using a 5 point system: 1 = least favorable 5= most favorable. I considered several factors in my ratings:

  1. Did the candidate answer the question? If they didn’t answer the question, it was hard for me to view the response favorably.
  2. How clearly did the candidate communicate their ideas? Communication skills are very important. The listener should not have to work to decipher what a candidate is talking about.
  3. Are the ideas high quality and actionable?
  4. Do I agree with the ideas presented?

Here is document. NY 16th congressional district -Candidate Response Ratings League of Women Voters Forum July 27 2022

On the last page I summarize the results. In my view, Mr. Bowman, the incumbent, was far more effective than the challengers.

Here is a link to the video:

I do not know if the video will be available after election day.


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