We need to think more carefully about the people we elect to represent us.
Our Goals
Prime citizens to think critically about the candidates competing for our votes. Why? Because critical thinkers make better decisions, and we need to make better decisions about who we put in office.
- Track a variety of elections, from student governments to city councils to state and national elections. Candidates and attributes change but the democratic process remains the same.
- Build a system in which high school students learn to think critically about local elections and candidate attributes as part of a comprehensive civics curriculum. We need to teach civics to our children such that deliberate, ongoing participation in our democracy is the norm.
- Give candidates critical feedback. Clearly, they need more critical feedback.
- Contribute to our democratic experiment by converting nonvoting citizens into critically thinking voters.
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- If you change your opinion about a candidate, login
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It’s simple, fast, free, and anonymous. Only YOU see how you rate candidates unless YOU decide to share your thoughts with others.
Chris McDonough, Founder
Chris is a trained behavior analyst and educator. You can find him on Linkedin. His networking skills are improving.
Chris is a registered democrat but as he describes in this post, that’s only because in the city where he lives decisions about who will be elected to represent his interests are decided in the Democratic primaries. Chris says, “This doesn’t mean I don’t share things in common with democrats because I do. But I share things in common with republicans, libertarians, members of the green party, the working families party…lots of people. The problem with political parties, especially the democrats and republicans, is that they promote ‘group think’ and, increasingly, deep tribal divisions. I think that’s a disaster for a free, pluralistic, society like ours. So, I try to remain ‘unaffiliated’ as much as possible, because that helps me to think independently, which in turn helps me to find common ground with people who don’t share my worldview.”
The paper The Fixation of Belief by CS Peirce, the founder of American pragmatism, has had a long lasting impact on Chris’s assumptions about the world. He is an imperfect practitioner of the scientific method.
Chris is on a quest to be less ignorant and more useful.
He loves animals and very rarely makes youtube videos.
Is there an election you’d like us to include on mycandidatescorecard.org?
Student Government, school board trustee, town mayor, governor, US President…we can customize candidate attributes to suit the needs of any group of voters. If there is an election you’d like us to consider, please email info@mycandidatescorecard.com
Please Give Feedback
We want to know what you think. Are these attribute definitions ok? Are there other attributes we should consider? Are they valued correctly? Please tell us. Thank you!